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The Future – Opportunity – Challenge

for the Vietnamese Nuns’ Community Abroad

Dear Venerable Buddhist Monks and Nuns,

Today, June 26, 2018, California is sunny and beautiful. At the Summer Retreat in Điều Ngự Temple, the Sangha and the Most Venerable Nguyên Thanh requested me, Bhikkhunī Gioi Huong, to share some ideas about Vietnamese Nuns in the presentation today. I humbly obey and present the subject: “The Future – Opportunity – Challenge for Vietnamese Nuns Overseas.”

Namo Amitabha Buddha

Nuns in the Summer Retreat at Điều Ngự Temple

In the Past

Looking at the past, 2,600 years ago, the Nun Patriarch Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī led 500 royal women across a long distance to beg the Buddha to accept them to be ordained as his nun disciples.

The strength and the passion for Dharma of the great nun shook the heart of Ananda and he was eager to ask the Buddha to ordain the women.

Based on the steadfastness, bravery and ability of women, the Buddha agreed to allow them to be included in the ranks of the Sangha and receive higher ordination with the necessary condition that they must keep the eight respectful disciplines.[1] These rules are especially dedicated to nuns and protect the pure life for the bhikkhunī. This is a revolution of human history, because the Buddha has promoted the position of women to be equal to men in an Indian society, where females were often referred to as weak and low. The nuns today and forever afterwards, always respectfully and gratefully express their gratitude to the Nun Patriarch Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, the Most Venerable Ananda and especially deep gratitude to the Lord Buddha who cared for women’s liberation.

After the Bhikkhunī Sangha was established and after the Buddha entered Nibbāna, more than 200 years later, Bhikkhunī Sanghamitta, the daughter of King Aśoka, went to Sri Lanka to convert Queen Anula and 1,500 women to become nuns. They all sequentially attained arahantship. Then over time through the Silk Road, the Nuns’ Sangha was passed down through many countries, such as Asia, China, and then to Vietnam and the United States, until today, when we meet the worldwide Bhikkhunī/Nun community at the Summer Retreat at Điều Ngự Temple.

In the Present

Vietnamese Buddhism in the United States was established forty-five years ago, in 1975. Sanghas of nuns and monks from many sects have also been established. However, it can be said that in recent years with the support of the sangha, the bhikkhunī communities have started to cooperate, develop and flourish. In each nunnery, each temple, the nuns have shown their activities in practice, conduct and service:

  • Keeping the female manner in each gesture.
  • Observing the Uposatha day to recite the precepts (sila) of bhikkhunīs, śikṣamāṇā or samaneri, according to their ordination.
  • Manifesting respect for the Buddha and Sangha.
  • Keeping well the eight laws of the bhikkhunīs (garudhammas).
  • Chanting, meditation, preaching, Vu Lan festivals, Buddha's birthday, retreats, guiding retreats for the lay Buddhists, reciting the Buddha's name, teaching at the temple, other pagodas and communities.

Thus, the nuns are playing their role in bringing the light of Dharma into society, expressing compassion, wisdom, self-awareness, as well as other-awareness of the daughters of the Lord Buddha. With a strong will, the nuns bravely carry on the tasks, along with the monks, to share the burden of Buddhism and train the next talented monks and nuns. It can be said that the Vietnamese nuns in America are in the process of preserving and helping the virtuous teachings of the Lord Buddha flourish. This is a memorable point recorded in the Vietnamese Buddhism history overseas.

The Advantages

Nuns have many advantages to move ahead:

  • Gender between men and women or monks and nuns does not create barriers in the conduct of self-awareness and other-awareness. With female bodies, many venerable nuns still strongly carry the Buddhist works as the great monks in preaching Dharma and converting people for the sake of many.
  • Women’s nature is gentle, soft, enduring and persistent, so they can easily approach the Dharma and empower beings.

With a strong will, determination and confidence, nuns can share the burden with the great monks in supporting and mentoring young nuns, as well as preserving the spiritual heritage of the Buddha. There are nuns in foreign countries, such as:

  • Most Venerable Đàm Lựu, Đức Viên Pagoda, San Jose, California                                                
  • Most Venerable Diệu Từ, Diệu Quang Pagoda, Santa Ana, California   
  • Most Venerable Nguyên Thanh, An Lạc Temple, San Jose, California  
  • Most Venerable Diệu Hoà, Dược Sư Pagoda, Santa Ana, California
  • Most Venerable Giác Hương, Hương Sen Buddhist Temple, Perris, California  
  • Venerable Như Ngọc, A Di Đà Temple, San Diego, California  
  • Venerable Giới Châ Quang Minh Temple, Colorado  
  • Venerable Nguyên Thiện, An Lạc Pagoda, Indiana  
  • Venerable Như Phước, Đức Viên Pagoda, San Jose, California  
  • Venerable Thanh Lương, Viên Thông Temple, Texas
  • Venerable Tịnh Quang, Quan Âm Pagoda, Redlands, California

These venerable bhikkhunis and others are the upper ranks of the sergeants, along with the great sangha, in actualizing the Buddhist mission.

For almost-senior venerable nuns, who often advise the young nuns while engaging in Buddhist affairs, they should take quiet time for themselves, in order to strengthen the internal forces to serve sentient beings. This will help them avoid many mistakes and accomplish good results.

  • Many nuns have dispelled the ideology that women are somehow inferior. Let’s avoid the negative thoughts of women being inferior to men or the pressure to value men above women as it was in the past. Women should strongly take back ownership!
  • Many nuns have transformed the thought of being a recluse. Now with great enthusiasm, many nuns are actively engaged in society, both domestically and abroad to build the Nun Sangha.

The images of the senior nuns are always present in the monastic patterns of the world for the young generation of nuns to emulate. The commitment to practice and bringing the Dharma into society is like the yellow sandalwood spreading its fragrance. The Dharma spreads the fragrance of wisdom, talent and compassion.

[1] The Eight Respectful Books of the Discipline (S. Guradharmā; P. Aṭṭha Garudhammā), Vol V, an English translation of Disciplines, Cullavagga, Chapter X; Sacred Books of the East, XX. pp. 354–355.

 (1) A nun who has been ordained even for a hundred years must greet respectfully, rise up from her seat, salute with joined palms and make proper homage to a monk ordained but that day.

 (2) A nun must not spend the Rains in a residence where there are no monks.

(3) Every half-month a nun should desire two things from the order of monks: asking as to the date of the Observance [Uposatha] day, and the coming for the exhortation (bhikkhunovada).

(4) After the Rains (the three-months rainy season retreat) a nun must “invite” (pavarana) before both orders in respect of three matters, namely what was seen, what was heard, what was suspected.

A revised version allows bhikkhunis to perform pavarana by themselves.

(5) A nun, offending against an important rule, must undergo manatta discipline for half a month before both orders.

(6) When, as a probationer, she has trained in the six rules (cha dhamma) for two years, she should seek higher ordination from both orders.

 (7) A monk must not be abused or reviled in any way by a nun.

(8) From today, admonition of monks by nuns is forbidden. https://encyclopediaofbuddhism.org/wiki/Eight_Garudhammas

(From the left) Three speakers: Reverend Nhật Hạnh,

Venerable Nguyên Thanh and Bhikkhunī Giới Hương

Opportunity – Challenge

In human history, Buddhism is the first religion to mention equality between men and women, while many countries in Asia or the Middle East tend to respect men more than women. The role of women is rather low, often being neglected, not highly valued, less influential, less allowed to hold the higher positions. They often perform housework, give birth and take care children. In the United States, with its cultural pressure to elevate the status of women, the nuns stand up and rise together with the monk sangha to build the Dharma house.  

In countries outside of Vietnam, nuns are facing acculturation in countries with diverse cultures. A Vietnamese nunnery can consist of Vietnamese women from Australia, Germany, Canadian and the US – a rich cultural hybrid. To survive and develop Buddhism in those communities, the nuns must be fluent in the English language and harmonize their Buddhist style with the indigenous culture.

Being able to live and study in the United States is a blessing that many people dream of. In terms of improving knowledge, American universities and colleges are willing to provide scholarships if the nuns are ready to study and pursue their aspirations.

The United States is a free prosperous country with modern education and advanced scientific technology. Through the internet, Facebook, and other online resources, not only Buddhism and other religions, but also industries are using the internet to expand globally. If nuns know how to apply and adapt, it will be an effective tool in the mission of sharing Buddhism  online.

The nuns living abroad have many challenges and obstacles to overcome but they also have many opportunities and bright futures ahead if they are hardworking, sociable and learn the way to survive and develop. The nuns will do this to fully realize their role, because women possess many characteristics: gentleness, kindness, determination, a strong work ethic, and patience. As the folk saying says, “hard feet to soft rock” or “grinding an iron slab for a needle.”

We not only associate with the nuns who are present at this retreat temple for maintaining the precept-meditation-wisdom (sīla-dhyāna-prajñā) of the Nun Sangha, but we also have the duty to associate with the Vietnamese-American nuns who were born abroad, who are fluent in English but speak less speak Vietnamese. The Dharma preachers must use the English language to communicate with the young Vietnamese-American generation and the local American people who come to the temple to study the religion. To accomplish this mission, in addition to the language (a new tool), the nuns need to have the internal strength and serious practice in order that the sermons are conveyed with true experience and energy. Thus, the necessary point of the preacher is the energy of experience, the energy of practice, the public speaking art and the language of communication.


Sakyadhita is the International Association of Buddhist Women. “Sakyadhita” means “daughters of the Buddha.” It is a multicultural association where skin color, social status, educational level or country of origin are not considered. This association has been known to the world under the leadership of Venerable Bhikkhunī Karma Lekshe Tsomo in San Diego, California. The number of Buddhist women in the world is about 300 to 600 million.[1] 

The Sakyadhita Association is also a link between the many Buddhist nuns with the views to improve the position and role of nuns, promote harmony in the international Nun Sangha, encourage learning the Tripiṭaka (Sūtra-vinaya-abhidharma), practice precept-meditation-wisdom (sīla-dhyāna-prajñā), engage in social charity and support research, publishing topics related to the Nun Sangha. This is a model of the development of Buddhist nuns around the world from many different cultures.

Returning to the overseas Vietnamese nuns, the scope of our nuns is smaller than Sakyadhita. In this first period, the demand for us will be great, however, there are many challenges as presented above and we would like to provide some temporary proposes in building the present and future Nun Sangha:

Future Recommendations

  1. Observance of the Eight Respectful Disciplines (Garudhammas) because this is a great way to increase the value of a virtuous nun. The humble manner of a nun generates more respect.
  2. The spirit of "respect of master and Buddhism" should be raised in the ranks of the nuns.
  3. Strictly proceed to study, preserve the postures and rules of the temple.
  4. Spend half a month reciting the precepts (observance Uposatha Day) in each temple.
  5. Organize intensive courses on the sūtras, retreats and read the Buddha’s name.
  6. Open Vinaya training classes for nuns
  7. The leading senior nuns with deep knowledge and profound virtue should call and promote nuns who should stand up, enthusiastically engaging, giving up any negative thoughts of inferiority and self-contained ways to get along with the great sangha, along with the venerable monks, to build a Vietnamese Buddhist house overseas, to contribute to Buddhism or specifically the sangha, who gain many historical golden points.
  8. The sangha and the nuns need to have a timely response in the proper use of talents, so that all nuns can realize their responsibility for the Buddha-Dharma. The nuns should implement their aspirations, promote their roles and duties in areas of the United States. The Vietnamese-American community is eager to receive the contributions of nuns.
  9. Encourage inspiration for nuns who can study, compose and write about the Buddha's teaching for the nuns, the merit of the monks and nuns to society and monastic life so that the world will know about the role, existence and contribution of nuns.
  10. There are many perspectives to manifest the nuns’ functions because many websites (such as: huongsentemple.com of Hương Sen Temple, Perris, California) are ready to post and wait for the nuns' compositions. The General Department of the Nun Sangha should create a website for the Vietnamese-American Nuns to post the nun’s activities.
  11. Create a social network that links nuns together, especially young nuns who have the passion to engage. Then we can visit, give mutual support, respect and share Buddhist activities among temples with one another. Enhance online interaction between nuns and Buddhist followers. This helps the level of Buddhist studies and the application of Dharma in society be enhanced in the world.
  12. There should be chanting and courses in English with an online library of books, instructions, retreats and transmission of information. Constantly innovate and modernize the method of sharing Dharma to harmonize with the cultural style in the United States.
  13. Participate in world-class knowledge in culture, technology, computers, health, social, law – improve both internally and externally.
  14. Train the energetic nuns to practice – nuns experienced in practice who can teach in and outside the country, inside and outside of temples and present Dharma in a coherent profound way to become the bright virtuous nun leaders in Buddhism.
  15. Promote the development of nuns overseas, locally and domestically where karma has placed us to serve. A nun can promote, fulfill and serve the Dharma, sharing the Buddha’s teaching  as the Buddha, patriarchs and the sangha  

According to the book, When Buddhist Women Meet (Taiwain University, 2000), Dr. Christie says that the world today has more than 300 million Buddhist women. It is a powerful force to bring a better world. If these women are united, inseparable from society, connect with  compassionate social activities and  moral training environments, they can become an important force for global transformation.

With the growth and values of the Nun Sangha, the female renunciates will be positive factors contributing to the successes of Vietnamese Buddhism overseas. The nuns will play an important role with the monks to build a fine American-Vietnamese Buddhist society. In this way, the nuns have built their position in the Vietnamese-American society and will be a positive connection at the global level to nurture spirituality for the benefit of all around the world.

The Summer Retreat, June 26, 2018

Best Regards,

Bhikkhunī Thích Nữ Giới Hương

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Summer Retreat at Điều Ngự Temple, June 26, 2018

(From the left) Three speakers: Reverend Nhật Hạnh,

Venerable Nguyên Thanh and Bhikkhunī Giới Hương

[1] Brief History of Sakyadhita International, https://sakyadhita.org/home/ourhistory.html

Please kindly read this article and view all photos: 1.4._Future-Opportunity-Challenge_for_Nuns_Abroad_-_TN_Gioi_Huong.pdf



Hương Sen Buddhist Temple is located in Perris, California, on ten acres of semidesert in the southern part of the state. Established in April 2010 by Venerable Abbess Dr. Bhikṣuṇī  Giới Hương, it was approved as a US-based 501 (c) (3) nonprofit religious organization on June 13, 2011. Currently there are four Bhikkhunīs and the Venerable Abbess in residence, along with three dog disciples (Rosie, Bruno, and Rudy).

This is a Pure Land-Zen (Thiền, Chan, or meditation) nunnery following the Mahāyāna Buddhist tradition for women dedicated to living the Buddha's teachings. It shares the same Dharma roots under the guidance of Late Master Venerable Bhikkhunī Hải Triều Âm at Hương Sen Temple, Đại Ninh, Lâm Đồng, Việt Nam and Hương Sen Temple, Bình Chánh, HCM City, Việt Nam.


Hương Sen Buddhist Temple is an educational religious center for understanding Buddhism and Buddhist practices. It is built to disseminate the Respectful Honored Buddha's teachings by providing a simple quiet spacious place for residents, local as well as visiting nuns (female monastics) and devoted lay disciples to study the Buddha's discourses, research Asian (Vietnamese) culture, practice meditation, worship, chant the penitential ritual, share the Dharma, attend retreats and assemblies for the Amitābha Buddha’s name recitation and guidance for attaining the Buddha’s nature on the basis of Theravāda and Mahāyāna sūtras.


  • We provide spiritual dialogue, counseling,teaching, and guide lay practitioners and monastics on how to observe precepts-samadhi-wisdom to maintain and develop peace, compassion, joy and happiness in themselves. 
  • We perform rituals and offer retreats tointegrate the Dhamma into life to meet the spiritual needs of disciples.
  • Weintroduce and guide the Dharma of Sakyamuni Buddha from 2,600 years ago in India to local students and Americans in thesemodern times. All people are welcome, regardless of religion or race. We do not try to convert anyone. What we do is based on your understanding, requests and support. 
  • We nurture and encourage aspiringfemale practitioners to be ordained as they wish and provide the conditions (food, shelter, scripture, robes) so they can live a liberated pure Bhikkhunī life on the basis of the Buddhist Vinaya.
  • We support and uphold the connection and growthof the international Bhikkhunī Sangha (Theravāda, Vajrayāna and Mahāyāna) inpracticing, preserving and sharing the Buddha’s teachings from different perspectives in a multicultural environment.
  • We strongly foster the development of the Bhikkhunī sangha as international Buddhist community leaders and Dharma masters.

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Biography of Ven. Dr. Giới Hương & Bao Anh Lac Bookshelf

Dr. Bhikṣuṇī  Giới Hương (world name Śūnyatā Phạm) was born in 1963 in Bình Tuy, Vietnam and ordained at the age of fifteen under the great master, the Most Venerable Bhikkhunī Hải Triều Âm. In 1994, she received a Bachelor’s Degree in Literature from Sài Gòn University. She studied in India for ten years and in 2003, graduated with a PhD in Buddhist Philosophy from the University of Delhi, India. In 2005, she settled down in the United States and in 2015, she earned a second Bachelor's Degree in Literature at the University of Riverside, California.

Currently, she is pursuing a degree in the Master of Arts Program at the University of California, Riverside and works as a lecturer at the Vietnam Buddhist University in HCM City. She favors quietly reflecting on Dharma, and that leads her to write, as well as translate, Buddhist books and lyrics for music albums on her Bảo Anh Lạc Bookshelf. 

In 2000, she established Hương Sen Temple, Bình Chánh, Sài Gòn, Việt Nam.In 2010, she founded HươngSen Temple in Perris, California, USA, where she serves as abbess. 



1) Bồ-tát và Tánh Không Trong Kinh Tạng Pali và Đại Thừa(Boddhisattva and Sunyata in the Early and Developed Buddhist Traditions), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Delhi-7: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2005. Tổng Hợp Tp HCMPublishing: the 2nd & 3rd reprint in2008 & 2010.

2) Ban Mai Xứ Ấn (The Dawn in India), (3 tập), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Delhi-7: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2005; Văn Hóa Sài GònPublishing: the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2006, 2008 & 2010. 

3) Vườn Nai – Chiếc Nôi (Phật GiáoDeer Park–The Cradle of Buddhism), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Delhi-7: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2005. Phương ĐôngPublishing: the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2006, 2008 & 2010.

4) Quy Y Tam Bảo và Năm Giới (Take Refuge in Three Gems and Keep the Five Precepts),Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, Wisconsin, USA, 2008. Phương Đông Publishing: the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2010, 2016 &2018. 

5) Vòng Luân Hồi (The Cycle of Life), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Phương ĐôngPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2008. Văn Hóa Sài Gòn Publishing: the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2010, 2014 & 2016.

6) Hoa Tuyết Milwaukee (Snowflake in Milwaukee), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Văn Hoá Sài gònPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2008.

7) Luân Hồi trong Lăng Kính Lăng Nghiêm (The Rebirthin Śūrangama Sūtra)Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Văn Hóa Sài gònPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2008. Publishing Phương Đông: the 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2012, 2014 &2016. 

8) Nghi Thức Hộ Niệm, Cầu Siêu (The Ritual for the Deceased), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Delhi-7: Eastern Book Linkers, 2008.

9) Quan Âm Quảng Trần (The Commentary of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Tổng HợpPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2010. Publishing Phương Đông: the 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5 reprintin 2010, 2014, 2016 & 2018. 

10) Nữ Tu và Tù Nhân Hoa Kỳ (A Nun and American Inmates),Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Văn Hóa Sài gònPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2010. Hồng Đức Publishing: the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th reprintin 2011, 2014, 2016, 2018 & 2020. 

11) Nếp Sống Tỉnh Thức của Đức Đạt Lai Lạt Ma Thứ XIV (The Awakened Mind of the 14thDalai Lama),2 tập, Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, năm 2012.The 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2010, 2016 &2018.

12) A-Hàm:Mưa pháp chuyển hóa phiền não (Agama – A Dharma Rain transforms the Defilement),2tập, Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, năm 2012. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2010, 2016 &2018. 

13) Góp Từng Hạt Nắng Perris (Collection of Sunlight in Perris), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc.2014.

14) Pháp Ngữ của Kinh Kim Cang (TheKey Words ofVajracchedikā-Prajñāpāramitā-Sūtra), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, năm 2014. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2015, 2016 &2018. 

15) Tập Thơ Nhạc Nắng Lăng Nghiêm(Songs and Poems of Śūraṅgama Sunlight), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc.2014.

16) Nét Bút Bên Song Cửa (Reflections at the Temple Window), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc.2018.

17) Máy Nghe MP3 Hương Sen (Hương Sen Digital Mp3 Radio Speaker): Các Bài Giảng, Sách, Bài viết và Thơ Nhạc của Thích Nữ Giới Hương (383/201 bài), Hương SenTemple.2019.

18) DVD Giới Thiệu về Chùa Hương Sen, USA (Introduction on Huong Sen Temple).Hương Sen Press Publishing.Thích Nữ Giới Hương & Phú Tôn.2019.

19) Ni Giới Việt Nam Hoằng Pháp tại Hoa Kỳ (Sharing the Dharma - VietnameseBuddhist Nuns in the United States), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng Đức Publishing.2020.

20) Tuyển Tập 40 Năm Tu Học & Hoằng Pháp của Ni sư Giới Hương (Forty Years in the Dharma: A Life of Study and Service—Venerable Bhikkhuni Giới Hương),Thích Nữ Viên Quang, TN Viên Nhuận,TN Viên Tiến, and TN Viên Khuông, XpressPrint Publishing, USA. 2020.

21) Tập Thơ Nhạc Lối Về Sen Nở (Songs and Poems ofLotus Blooming on the Way), Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing.2020

22) Nghi Thức Công Phu Khuya – Thần Chú Thủ Lăng Nghiêm (Śūraṅgama Mantra), Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

23) Nghi Thức Cầu An – Kinh Phổ Môn (The Universal Door Sūtra),Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

24) Nghi Thức Cầu An – Kinh Dược Sư (The Medicine Buddha Sūtra),Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

25) Nghi Thức Sám Hối Hồng Danh (The Sūtraof Confession at many Buddha Titles), Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

26) Nghi Thức Công Phu Chiều – Mông Sơn Thí Thực (The Ritual Donating Food to Hungry Ghosts),Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

27) Khóa Tịnh Độ – Kinh A Di Đà (The Amitabha Buddha Sūtra), Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

28) Nghi Thức Cúng Linh và Cầu Siêu (The Rite for Deceased and Funeral Home), Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

29) Nghi Lễ Hàng Ngày, (The Daily Chanting Ritual)Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hương Sen Press, USA. 2021.

30) Hương Đạo Trong Đời 2022 (Tuyển tập 60 Bài Thi trong Cuộc Thi Viết Văn Ứng Dụng Phật Pháp 2022 - A Collection of Writings on the Practicing of Buddhism in Daily Life in the Writing Contest 2022), Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hồng Đức Publisher. 2022.
31) Hương Pháp 2022 (Tuyển Tập Các Bài Thi Trúng Giải Cuộc Thi Viết Văn Ứng Dụng Phật Pháp 2022 - A Collection of the Winning Writings on the Practicing of Buddhism in Daily Life in the Writing Contest 2022) Thích Nữ Giới Hương biên soạn, Hồng Đức Publisher. 2022.
32) Giới Hương - Thơm Ngược Gió Ngàn (Giới Hương – The Virtue Fragrance Against the Thousand Winds), Nguyên Hà.
33) Pháp Ngữ Kinh Hoa Nghiêm (Buddha-avatamsaka-nāma-mahāvaipulya-sūtra) (2 tập).
34) Tinh Hoa Kinh Hoa Nghiêm (The Core of Buddha-avatamsaka-nāma-mahāvaipulya-sūtra).
35) Phật Giáo – Tầm Nhìn Lịch Sử Và Thực Hành (Buddhism: A Historical and Practical Vision). Hiệu đính: Thích Hạnh Chánh và Thích Nữ Giới Hương.
36) Nhật ký Hành Thiền Vipassana và Kinh Tứ Niệm Xứ (Diary: Practicing Vipassana and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Sutta)
37) Nghi cúng Giao Thừa (New Year's Eve Ceremony)
38) Nghi cúng Rằm Tháng Giêng (the Ceremony of the First Month’s Full Moon)
39) Nghi thức Lễ Phật Đản (The Buddha Birthday’s Ceremony)
40) Nghi thức Vu Lan (The Ullambana Festival or Parent Day)
41) Lễ Vía Quan Âm (The Avolokiteshvara Day)
42) Nghi cúng Thánh Tổ Kiều Đàm Di (The Death Anniversary of Mahapajapati Gotami)
43) Nghi thức cúng Tổ và Giác linh Sư trưởng (The Ancestor Day)


1) Boddhisattva and Sunyata in the Early and Developed Buddhist Traditions,Bhikkhuni Gioi Huong, Delhi-7: Eastern Book Linkers, 1stprint 2004, 2ndreprint 2005 & Vietnam Buddhist University: 3rdreprint2010.

2) Rebirth Views in the Śūraṅgama SūtraDr. Bhikkhunī Giới Hương, Fifth Edition, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc.2018.

3) Commentary of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva,Dr. Bhikkhunī Giới Hương, Fourth Edition, Hồng ĐứcPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc.2018.

4) The Key Words in Vajracchedikā Sūtra, Thích Nữ Giới Hương,  Hồng ĐứcPublishing. 2020.

5) Sārnātha-The Cradle of Buddhism in the Archeological View. Hồng Đức Publishing. 2020.

6) Take Refuge in the Three Gems and Keep the Five PreceptsThích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng Đức Publishing. 2020.

7) Cycle of Life, Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng ĐứcPublishing. 2020.

8) Forty Years in the Dharma: A Life of Study and Service—Venerable Bhikkhuni Giới Hương. Thích Nữ Viên Quang, TN Viên Nhuận, TN Viên Tiến, and TN Viên Khuông, Xpress Print Publishing, USA. 2020.

9) Sharing the Dharma -VietnameseBuddhist Nuns in the United States, Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng Đức Publishing.2020.

10) A Vietnamese Buddhist Nun and American Inmates.5th Edition. Bhikkhunī Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hương Sen Press Publishing, USA. 2021.

11)    Daily Monastic Chanting, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

12)    Weekly Buddhist Discourse Chanting, vol 1, Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

13)    Practice Meditation and Pure Land, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

14)    The Ceremony for Peace, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

15)    The Lunch Offering Ritual, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

16)    The Ritual Offering Food to Hungry Ghosts, Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

17)    The Pureland Course of Amitabha Sutra, Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

18)    The Medicine Buddha Sutra, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

19)    The New Year Ceremony, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

20) The Great Parinirvana Ceremony, Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

21) The Buddha’s Birthday Ceremony, Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

22) The Ullambana Festival (Parents’ Day), Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

23) The Marriage Ceremony, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

24) The Blessing Ceremony for The Deceased, Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

25) The Ceremony Praising Ancestral Masters, Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

26) The Enlightened Buddha Ceremony, Bhikṣuṇī Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

27) The Uposatha Ceremony (Reciting Precepts), Bhikṣuṇī  Thích Nữ Giới Hương composed. Hương Sen Publisher. 2023.

28) Buddhism: A Historical And Practical Vision. Edited by Ven. Dr. Thich Hanh Chanh and Ven. Dr. Bhikṣuṇī  TN Gioi Huong. Eastern Book Linkers: Delhi 7. 2023.

29) Contribution of Buddhism For World Peace & Social Harmony. Edited by Ven. Dr. Buddha Priya Mahathero and Ven. Dr. Bhikṣuṇī  TN Gioi Huong. Tôn Giáo Publishing. 2023.

30) Global Spread of Buddhism with Special Reference to Sri Lanka. Buddhist Studies Seminar in Kandy University. Edited by Prof. Ven. Medagama Nandawansa and Dr. Bhikṣuṇī  TN Gioi Huong. Tôn Giáo Publishing. 2023.

31) Buddhism In Sri Lanka During The Period of 19th to 21st Centuries. Buddhist Studies Seminar in Colombo. Edited by Prof. Ven. Medagama Nandawansa and Dr. Bhikṣuṇī  TN Gioi Huong. Tôn Giáo Publishing. 2023

32) Diary: Practicing Vipassana and the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Sutta. Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Tôn Giáo Publishing. 2024.


1) Bản Tin Hương Sen: Xuân, Phật Đản, Vu Lan (Hương Sen Newsletter: Spring, Buddha Birthday and Vu Lan, annual/ Mỗi Năm). 2019 & 2020.

2) Danh Ngôn Nuôi Dưỡng Nhân Cách-Good Sentences Nurture aGood MannerThích Nữ Giới Hươngsưu tầm, Hồng ĐứcPublishing. 2020.

3) Văn Hóa Đặc Sắc của Nước Nhật Bản-Exploring the Unique Culture of Japan,Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hồng ĐứcPublishing. 2020.

4) Sống An Lạc dù Đời không Đẹp như Mơ-Live Peacefully though Life is not Beautiful as a Dream, Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hồng ĐứcPublishing. 2020.

5) Hãy Nói Lời Yêu Thương-Words of Love and Understanding, Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hồng Đức Publishing. 2020.

6) Văn Hóa Cổ Kim qua Hành Hương Chiêm Bái -The Ancient- Present Culture in Pilgrim,Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hồng ĐứcPublishing.2020.

7) Nghệ Thuật Biết Sống-Art of Living.Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Hồng Đức Publishing. 2020.

8) Dharamshala - Hành Hương Vùng Đất Thiêng, Ấn Độ, Dharamshala - Pilgrimage to the Sacred Land, India. Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Tôn Giáo Publishing. 2024.


1) Xá Lợi Của Đức Phật(Relics of the Buddha), Tham Weng Yew, Thích Nữ Giới Hương chuyển ngữ, Delhi-7: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2005. Delhi 2006: 2nd reprint. Tổng Hợp Tp HCMPublishing: the 3rd and 4th reprintin 2008 & 2016.

2) Sen Nở Nơi Chốn Tử Tù(Lotus in Prison),many authors,Thích Nữ Giới Hương translated from English into Vietnamese,Văn Hóa Sài gònPublishing: Tủ Sách Bảo Anh Lạc, 2010. The 2nd, 3rd and 4th reprintin 2012, 2014 & 2016.

3) Chùa Việt Nam Hải Ngoại(Overseas Vietnamese Buddhist Temples), Võ Văn Tường & Từ Hiếu Côn, vol 2. Translated into English:Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hương Quê Publishing. 2016.

4) Việt Nam Danh Lam Cổ Tự (The Famous Ancient Buddhist Temples in Vietnam), Võ Văn Tường. Translated into English:Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Phương NamPublishing.2016.

5) Hương Sen, Thơ và Nhạc–(Lotus Fragrance, Poem and Music),Nguyễn Hiền Đức. Translated into English:Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hồng Đức Publishing. 2020.

6) Phật Giáo-Một Bậc Đạo Sư, Nhiều Truyền Thống(Buddhism: One Teacher – Many Traditions), Đức Đạt Lai Lạt Ma 14th & Ni Sư Thubten Chodren, Translated into Vietnamese: Ven. Dr. Thích NữGiới Hương,Prajna Upadesa FoundationPublshing.2018.

7) Cách Chuẩn Bị Chết và Giúp Người Sắp Chết-Quan Điểm Phật Giáo (Preparing for Death and Helping the Dying – A Buddhist Perspective), Sangye Khadro, Translated into Vietnamese: Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Hồng ĐứcPublishing.2020.



  1. Đào Xuân Lộng Ý Kinh (the Buddha Teachings Reflect in Cherry Flowers), Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Music: Nam Hưng, volume 1. 2013.

  1. Niềm Tin Tam Bảo (Trust in Three Gems), Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Music: Hoàng Y Vũ & Hoàng Quang Huế, volume 2. 2013.
  2. Trăng Tròn Nghìn Năm Đón Chờ Ai (Whom is the Full Moon Waiting for over a Thousand Years?). Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Music: Võ Tá Hân, Hoàng Y Vũ, Khánh Hải, Khánh Hoàng, Hoàng Kim Anh, Linh Phương và Nguyễn Tuấn, volume 3. 2013.
  3. Ánh Trăng Phật Pháp (Moon Light of Dharma-Buddha). Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Music: Uy Thi Ca & Giác An, volume 4. 2013.
  4. Bình Minh Tỉnh Thức (Awaken Mind at the Dawn) (Piano Variations for Meditation). Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương. The Solo Pianist: Linh Phương, volume 5. 2013.
  5. Tiếng Hát Già Lam (Songs from the Temple). Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Music: Nam Hưng, volume 6. 2015.
  6. Cảnh Đẹp Chùa Xưa (The Magnificent Ancient Buddhist Temple). Poem: Thích Nữ Giới Hương. Music: Võ Tá Hân, Nam Hưng, Hoàng Quang Huế, volume 7. 2015.
  7. Karaoke Hoa Ưu Đàm Đã Nở (An Udumbara Flower is Blooming), Thích Nữ Giới Hương and Musician Nam Hưng, Hương Sen Temple. 2015.
  8. Hương Sen Ca, Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương and Music: Nam Hưng, Volume 9, Hương Sen Temple. 2018.
  9. Về Chùa Vui Tu, Poems: Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Music: Nam Hưng & Nguyên Hà, Volume 10, 2018.
  10. Gọi Nắng Xuân Về (Call the Spring Sunlight), Poem: Thích Nữ Giới Hương,Music:Nam Hưng, Hương Sen Temple. Volume 11.2020.