Awakening and delusion circles
The five faculties, the five powers being spent
Continuously learn without stopping
Ghosts give the way, demons provide directions,
Mind is misty and the way unclear.
Lucky to meet an insightful master!
Opening the curtain of ignorance, reveal the true mind
Oh my Buddha declared from afar
Buddha in mind, then delusion has naturally left
Gate, Gate, Para Gate, Para sam Gate
Which scent among the flowers smells best?
Sila Fragrance, Meditative Fragrance, Wisdom Fragrance
Flowers blooming, realize Buddha nature, transform ignorance
Gate, Gate, Para Gate, Para sam Gate.
Which scent among the flowers smells best?
Sila Fragrance, Meditative Fragrance, Wisdom Fragrance
Thousand branches of lotus flowers, Emptiness looks for
Gate, Gate, Para Gate, Para sam Gate.
Now we pray to follow your steps
Sprinkling the compassionate stream onto our mind
Pouring how much to cover all parts
Birth-death cycle becomes without incarnation
Bodhiswaha, Bodhiswaha.
To my dear Master Sư Phụ Giới Hương for your collected writings: Forty Years in the Dharma: A Life of Study and Service–Venerable Bhikkhuni Giới Hương.
Philadelphia, December 18, 2019
Bowing three times,
Mrs. Loan Anh Small
Buddhist name: Diệu Liên
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Please read all articles and view all photos: 6.14._Sila_fragrance_meditative_fragrance_wisdom_fragrance-_Dieu_Lien.pdf