The saha realm is full of suffering, and the Buddha appeared to bring peace to gods and humans. He pointed out the path of practice, transforming the misery of sentient beings. But the Buddha entered nirvana long ago and the arahants are also gone; only the teachings that the Buddha left behind remain on this earth. Therefore, the monastic masters have studied, practiced, and then passed on teachings to us though all of their experience.
In order for Buddhism to exist in this world, masters make efforts to guide young students who are following in the footsteps of the Buddha but do not understand the teachings exactly, directing them to the way of liberation.
Having realized that importance, we know their great merits. We will try to study well, practice diligently, and equip ourselves firmly with virtue and knowledge, in order to continue the lineage of the predecessors who put faith in the next generation.
Respectfully presented to Venerable Thích Nữ Giới Hương
Vietnam Buddhist University, December 3, 2019
Best regards,
Monk Student Minh Nguyện
Course 13, The Art of Speech and Presentation
Venerable Giới Hương on the stage on the 35th Anniversary
Please read articles and view all photos:5.21._Faith_in_the_next_generation-_Bhikkhu_Minh_Nguyen.pdf