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It is a great honor in the Vietnamese Buddhist nun Saṅgha that we have the worthy nun,“a  young nun truly entering Buddhism (đồng chân nhập đạo) from a childhood due to the results of her past good karma. Venerable Bhikkhunī Thích Nữ giới Hương has developed spontaneous bodhicitta, kept a pure body and mind, cut off the world  relationships andrejected bad karma. She stepped straight onto the monastic path with diligent aspiration, and single-minded practice. She has achieved great success through every glorious step, both in Dharma and in life, with activities involving the material world to spiritual endeavors, with daily hardships.

Venerable Bhikkhunī Giới Hương was born in Bình Tụy, and ordained as a nun at the age of fifteen under the famous Master Triều Âm (Đại Ninh, Vietnam). She has studied in India for ten years and graduated with a PhD in Buddhism in 2003 at Delhi University, India. Currently, the abbess of HươngSen Pagoda in Perris, California, USA, she is studying literature at  the University of California, Riverside.

She writes poetry, articles and thinks deeply about Buddhism. She established Bảo Anh Lạc Bookcase and is the author of more than forty-one valuable books:


  1. Bodhisattva and Sunyata
  2. Bồ tát và Tánh không trong kinh điển Pali và Đại thừa (Bodhisattva and Sunyata in

     Pali Nikaya and Mahayana Sutras)

  1. Ban Mai Xứ Ấn (The Dawn in India)
  2. Vườn Nai - Chiếc Nôi Phật Giáo (Sarnath–The Cradle of Buddhism)
  3. Xá Lợi của Đức Phật (The Relics of Buddha)
  4. Quy Y Tam Bảo và Năm Giới (Taking Three Refuges and Keeping Five Precepts)
  5. Vòng Luân Hồi (The Cycle of Life)
  6. Hoa Tuyết Milwaukee (Snow Flowers in Milwaukee)
  7. Luân Hồi Trong Lăng Kính Lăng Nghiêm (Rebirth Views in the Śūraṅgama Sūtra)
  8. Nghi Thức Hộ Niệm Cầu Siêu (The Ritual for the Deceased)
  9. Sen Nở Chốn Tử Tù (Lotus in the Prison)
  10. Nữ Tu và Tù Nhân Hoa Kỳ (A Nun and American Inmates)
  11. Quán Âm Quảng Trần (The Commentary of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva)
  12. Nếp Sống Tỉnh Thức của Đức Đạt Lai Lạt Ma Thứ XIV (The Awakened Mind of the

      14th Dalai Lama), (2 vols)

  1. A-Hàm: Mưa pháp chuyển hóa phiền não (Agama–A Dharma Rain Transforms the

       Defilement), (2 vols)

  1. Góp Từng Hạt Nắng Perris (Collection of Sunlight in Perris)
  2. Pháp Ngữ của Kinh Kim Cang (The Key Words of Vajracchedikā-Prajñāpāramitā-


  1. Tập Thơ Nhạc Nắng Lăng Nghiêm (Songs and Poems of Śūraṅgama Sunlight)
  2. Chùa Việt Nam Hải (Overseas Vietnamese Buddhist Temples)
  3. Việt Nam Danh Lam Cổ (The Famous Ancient Buddhist Temples in Vietnam)

and others. . . .  Please see the website details: www.huongsentemple.com.

There are also a lot of your poems that were converted to songs by many famous musicians. All of them have been made into very good CDs, giving listeners moments of enjoying great lyrics with rhymn.

With the desire to promote the golden Buddhist light, popularize Vietnamese culture and share the Dharma, you came to the US with empty hands. You courageously established Hương Sen Temple in the semi-desert area of ​​Perris City, California with the aim to create favorable conditions to help the nuns have a suitable place of sanctuary to stabilize their spiritual practice, and at the same time, help the local residents and Vietnamese people have a temple to meet their spiritual needs.

Currently, Hương Sen pagoda has been established and has had the opportunity to expand to a large area (up to ten acres). That is why it is very necessary for active support from Buddhists.

As fellow nuns, who are sincere female disciples of the Buddha, we sincerely praise the merit and spirit upholding and promoting the culture and the Dharma of Venerable Dr. Thích Nữ Giới Hương, Abbess of Hương Sen Temple in Perris City. We sincerely wish all the best to the Venerable Dr. Thích Nữ Giới Hương.

Namo Shakyamuni Buddha.

Southern California

February 24, 2020

The Abbess of Minh Đăng Quang Monastery


Reverend Doctor of Buddhist Economics Bich Liên

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Rev. Ngọc Liên means Miss Bích Liên

Rev. Ngọc Liên (fourth from right) receiving the Certificate of Record at Minh Đăng Quang Monastery as the first temple of the World Buddhist Medicant Saṅgha on

October 5, 2019, in Westminster, California.    

Venerable Giới Hương (fourth left) and Rev. Ngọc Liên

(second row, opposite from right) at the Fellowship Buddhist Conference,

Anaheim, California, December 15, 2019

Please read all articles and view all photos:3.28._A_young_nun_truly_entering_Buddhism-_Rev_Ngoc_Lien.pdf

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